I grew up on a farm = eat your food do not waste it! Debris from the disposal will clog your drains in enough time
Pictures of various plumbing components and conditions provided by Ben Gromicko.
Food waste grinders (also known as garbage disposals and disposers) are designed to grind foods, including bones, into small-sized bits that can flow through the drain line. Using them to dispose of fibrous and stringy foods, such as corn husks, celery, banana skins and onions, is not recommended because fibers tend to pass by the grinder teeth, move into the drain pipe, and cause drains to clog.
Water must be supplied to the grinder to assist during its operation in transporting waste. The water flushes the grinder chamber and carries the waste down the drain pipe. Blockage may result if the grinder is used without running the water during operation. Grinders should be connected to a drain of not less than 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Food waste grinders are supplied with water from the sink faucet. They do not add to the load used to compute drainage pipe sizing. The drain size required for a grinder is consistent with that for a kitchen sink.
Cords and Plugs According to the 2014 NEC®, Section II, 422.16.A.1, flexible cords are permitted to be used for connecting appliances to help with their frequent interchange or to assist in the removal of an appliance fastened in place for maintenance and repair. Food waste disposers may use a flexible cord connected to a plug when the cord is identified as suitable according to the installation instructions of the appliance manufacturer. The flexible cord must terminate with a grounding-type attachment plug. It cannot be less than 18 inches in length or longer than 36 inches. The receptacle should be accessible and located so as to avoid damage to the cord (out of a high-traffic footpath).